
山东合欢树栽培管理也适用于 工厂绿化

山东合欢树栽培管理也适用于 工厂绿化

山东合欢树栽培管理,,合欢又名绒花树、夜合花。因昼开夜合故名夜合,合欢 合欢 又叫绒花树、马缨花,在植物分类学中属于豆科树木。合欢树可长到16米高,叶 为二回羽状复叶,羽片和小叶对生;许多小花簇生成头状花序,然后许多头状花 序,山东合欢作为观赏植物。 亦可用作行道树、庭荫树、固岸护堤树及平原造林树种 。此外,垂柳对有毒气体抗性较强,并能吸收二氧化硫,故也适用于 工厂绿化



我国的野生樱花资源,扩大种植范围,形成规模和影 响,对樱花繁殖作一综述


Shandong green tree cultivation management is also applicable to factory

Shandong tree cultivation management, and request of aka RongHua tree, spend the night. Because together night and day, open night and therefore, request of meadow, Ma Yinghua, also called RongHua tree belonging to the bean trees in plant taxonomy. Tree can grow up to 16 meters high, leaves for the second pinnate, pinna and lobular opposite; Many flower clusters capitulum, then many flower heads, shandong coincided as ornamental plants. Can also be used as a tree of roadside trees and court shade trees, a river dike and plain afforestation tree species. Additionally, stronger resistance to toxic gases with weeping willows, and absorbing sulfur dioxide. It can also be applied to plant greening